
Monday, December 7, 2020

2020 Poem

 Hey guys,

It's almost the holidays! are you excited? For the last few weeks this term we have been working on a book that explains how our 2020 yet in poem form. We had to write about all the activities we did this year. I wrote about all the fun things we did this year like camp, then isolation, Sport and more.

This is my book:

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Ta moko

Hey guys,

 This term for inquiry we are learning about different cultures. For one of our tasks, we had to pick and learn about either Ta moko, Korowai/Kakahu, or the Haka. I chose to do the Ta moko.                            The Ta moko is a traditional Maori tattoo that is done on your face. We had to write the present vs the past for the materials used, design, and why it's done. The Ta moko used to be done by Chisels dipped in dark pigment, now it is done with needles. The designs used to be based on Maori tribes, now they are done base on Your family, prosperity, travel, strength, and your career path.

Here is the slide with my work on it:

Friday, October 16, 2020

Literacy - Antagonists and Protagonists

 Hey guys, 

How were your holidays? I did not do a lot in the holidays but for our first week back at school, we have been doing lots of different things like athletic practice, kiwi buddies, and more. This term for literacy we have been stating to write kid's books. Before we started forming what our story was about we learned about Protagonists and Antagonists and what makes them either the protagonist or the antagonist. For our task, we had to find 4 stories and write the antagonist and the protagonist and why they are the antagonist or protagonist. I did the three little pigs, Cinderella, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, and sleeping beauty

Here is a screenshot:

Friday, September 25, 2020

Sign language

 Hey guys,

This Wednesday we had been learning sign language. We played this game to help learn different words like colors, food, and more. We also learned the alphabet. It will not let me add the video of me saying "My name is Sienna" in sign language but here is the sign language alphabet so you can learn how to spell your name.

Here is the link to the game if you want to try it!: link

Minecraft Eiffel tower

 Hey guys,

For math, we had to find a famous landmark and build it in Minecraft. After we made it on miecraft we had to write about what shapes it is made of and where it was located. I chose to build the Eiffle tower. 

Here is my slide:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Science of Dreams

 Hey guys,

This week we have gotten a few topics and we had to research one of them, I chose to research about dreams. I have learned a lot about dreams doing this, like how you have up to 4 - 6 dreams each night but only remember some of it! or depending on your mood before you go to sleep affects what your dreams about, if you are frustrated you are more likely to have a dream about you falling, failing, or getting attacked.

Here is the doc:

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Movie times

 Hey guys,

We have been learning about 24 hour time and how to convert Am/Pm. Today we got given the task to make a table of movie times the included: The movie, The running time of the movie (in minutes), The starting time of your movie (in 24 hour time), and a question like (what time would you leave the cinema?)

My three chosen movies were: Dora, Frozen, and frozen 2

Here is the slide:

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Minecraft kitchen ISS

 Hey guys,

For my literacy task, we had been looking at the ISS (International Space Station ), we had to go into a Minecraft world that had the ISS in it. We had to add in a different module to the ship that we thought maybe needed in a space station. 

The ISS has heaps of different modules each used for different things to researching and studying about things that are in space like the stars, planets, satellites, and many more things that you may not know about.

I added a kitchen, I thought a kitchen would be important to add so you could cook and eat food.

here are some screenshots:

Kitchen interior

Whole kitchen interior

Kitchen exterior

Monday, September 14, 2020

Minecraft clock

 Hey guys,

This week for maths we have been looking at time and how to convert 12 hour time to 24 hour time. We had to create a digital and analog clock on Minecraft. My analog clock showed 3:00 and the digital clock showed 3:00 in 24 hour time (15:00)

Here is a screenshot:

Friday, September 11, 2020

Skin care buisness

 Hey guys,

This Wednesday we got into groups and made businesses with them, we did this so we could have a better understanding of how businesses work and what you should be prepared for if you ever start one. We did a skincare business. 

My group made a skincare business that had things like serums, Cleansers, moisturizers, face masks, lip balms, and more.

This is the slide we did it on (it is not fully finished yet):


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Spin wheel outcomes

 Hey guys,

For numeracy, we had to make an animation showing how to figure out how many outcomes there are spinning the wheel or flipping a coin. I chose to spin a wheel

Here is my animation about how to figure it out: 

PSA Coding

 Hey guys,

 On Wednesdays, after tech, we have been doing coding.  We had to code a PSA (Public service announcement) to spread awareness about a problem we have around the world.

My chosen issue was littering. I chose to do littering because we need to stop because it ruins the environment and can kill the animals. I tried to make the PSA interesting by making clickable things.

Here are screenshots of the coding and the PSA:

Friday, August 28, 2020

Science report - Flight

 Hi bloggers,

In literacy this term we are doing science. For the past few weeks, we have been looking at flight, and we had to do an experiment based on it. My experiment was if I change the different types of paper will it affect how the paper plane fly? When we finished the experiment I found out that the different types of paper do affect the flight. We had to write in a table about how the experiment went.

Here is the  link to the doc: Link

Here is a screenshot of it: 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Science report

This week in literacy we had to fill out a doc reflecting on our experiment we did.
Our experiment was about capillary action. Capillary action is the ability of something to move up or through something without the assistance of external forces like gravity, Like for example how plants absorb water, water goes through the soil and Capillary Action helps the water travel from the soil to the plant.
My experiment was with celery and water. we used different temperatured water and put the celery in for a certain amount of time to see how fast it goes up the celery or how quick you see a color change in it.
Here is the link to the doc: Link

Monday, August 10, 2020

Rocket Challenge Parachute

 Hey guys,

This term for inquiry we are building rockets, part of this challenge we got given the task to make a parachute. The parachute had to hold up to two hex nuts, the goal was to make a parachute that took the longest time to hit the ground. After we had to write down our original design then any changes we made Here is the slide:

Friday, July 24, 2020

Budget shopping

Hey guys,
On Wednesday we got given the task to buy food to last for a week with a budget of $170 for a family of four. The family of four each had a different allergy and we had to get food to last a week and feed all of them. One of them had no allergies, One was vegan, one was gluten-free and the other was dairy-free
To do this I just looked up food with those things in it (vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free)
This is my slide of the food throughout the week.


In numeracy, we have been doing terms,
we got given the task to make a presentation on how to do it.
This is mine:
Is there anything you think I could to do to make it better

Friday, June 26, 2020

Website - Genre

Hey guys,
This week we finished the last part of our website (Genre). 
For this, we wrote about the genres in the book and wrote how the book shows those genres.
In this book, I think the genres that show are Comedy and Sci-Fi. 
If you want to have a look at my website here is the link: Link
Here is a screenshot:

Matariki poem animation

Hey guys,
This week we have been learning about Matariki.
We got given the task to either make a poem, a book, and many other options.
I chose to make a poem. For the poem, we had to write it and then animate it. 
Comment if there is anything you think I could do to change it or make it better.
Here is the poem and the animation:

Friday, June 19, 2020

Website - Symbols

Hey guys,
This week for literacy I finished writing the symbols for my website.
We had to write 5 symbols. The symbols I did were the hitchhiker's guide, Magrathea, The Vogons, The improbability drive, and Slartibartfast.
If your not sure what those are, they are apart of the book and if you want to see more about them you can have a look at my website
Here is a link to my website: Link
Here is a screenshot:

Friday, June 12, 2020

Website characters

Hey guys,
This week I finished writing the characters for my website.
We did each character in the book and wrote about their personality and what they are like
Here is the link to my website: Website link
Here is a screenshot:

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Global issues art

Hey guys,
This week for inquiry, we looked at heaps of different types of artworks about global issues.
Our task was to pick one of the artworks and write next to it what message we got from it
Here is mine:

Friday, June 5, 2020


Hey guys,
In literacy this week we have been carrying on with our websites. This week we finished the last two themes in the book hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy that needed to be done for our website, the last two themes that I did was language and communication, and power.
Here is the link to my website: Website link
Here are some screenshots:

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Hey guys,
Today we made something to show we understood what Irony means. We chose 1 type of irony and made up a scene explaining that irony. Our scene was about, me saying that I would beat Skylah but then Skylah ends up beating me.

Friday, May 29, 2020


Hey guys,
This week for literacy we have been making a website. The website is for the book hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. This week we started by writing the themes for the book. I did Absurdity, Improbability, and Impossibility. (It is not finished yet)
Have you ever made a website?
Is there anything you think I could do to make it better?
Here is a screenshot of it:
Here is the link to the website:
Website Link

Monday, May 25, 2020

Isometric dot paper

Hey guys,
Today for numeracy we have been drawing on isometric dot paper again. This time we had to make a shape with blocks and draw it on the isometric dot paper, after we drew the shape we colored the blocks on the paper the same color as the blocks we used to make the shape.
have you ever drawn something on isometric dot paper?
Is there anything you think I could do to make it better?
Here is mine:

Friday, May 22, 2020

Numeracy and, Literacy mashup blog post.

Hey guys,
In numeracy, we have been drawing different 3D shapes on isometric dot paper. For this, we got 5 blocks and made 3 different shapes with them after we made the shape we drew it on the isometric dot paper. Once we finished doing 5 blocks we then used 10 and then 15.
This was really fun to do.
Have you done any drawings on isometric dot paper?

For literacy, we researched legendary places. We had to find a legendary place that we didn't know about or have heard of but want to learn more about. When we found the place we wanted to do we had to research it. I chose to do Atlantis because it seemed really interesting to me. The other task we did was a prediction of what we thought was going to happen next in the book, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
This task was really fun to do.
Have you ever read Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy?
Is there anything you think I could do to make this better?

Friday, May 15, 2020


Hey guys,
For literacy, we have been reading the book hitchhikers guide to the galaxy,
Our task was to create our own android using materials we found around the house.
I did not have anything I could use for the android so I drew mine
Have you ever made an android?
Is there anything you think I could change or add to make it better
Here is mine:

Board game

Hey guys,
Today for my task I made a board game
The game is pretty simple but also fun to play and make, and it is a good way to stay busy.
Have you ever made a board game?
Is there anything you think I could do or add to make the game better?
Here is mine:
How to play:
Each player has an item to move around the board. You roll a dice, whatever you roll you have to move that many spaces If you land on a dare you pick up a dare card and you have to do that dare if you complete the dare you get to move one space up but if you don't you have to stay in the place you are in. (That is the same if you land on the truth square except you answer the question given)

Friday, May 8, 2020


Hey guys
Today for our Friday tasks we got to design our own birthday cakes,
My cake is an ocean cake and each layer has a different sea animal
What would your cake look like? Is there anything you think I could do to make it better?
Here is mine:

Friday tasks

Hey guys,
Today for my task for tech I did the fabric one,
for this, you have to get an old piece of clothing and make it into something else.
I took an old shirt and turned it into a pillow.
Have you tried this before? and is there anything you think I could do to make it better?
This is the before and after photo

Friday, May 1, 2020


For today's task, I Drew a made-up animal
I took a few different animals and put them together
This was really fun to make picking where each part would go
These are the animals I used: Dog, Elephant, Dragon, fox, and a duck
Have you ever done this before?
Is there anything you think I could change to make it better?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Online school Literacy

Hey guys,
Today we got given the task to write 3-4 paragraphs about what we would do if the world was going to end.
Here is mine

If the world was going to end
I would spend the day with people who are important to me like my family and my friends. First I would go out with my family for every meal of the day Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. We would go to Maccas for breakfast. After breakfast, we would go for a walk in town we would stop at Margaret Mahy park for a bit, after that we would go to Rollicking Gelato for some ice cream.

After that, we would go and watch a movie and because this was going to be our last movie we would have to make sure it was a good and enjoyable one for all of us. Then we would go and have lunch at Mugen. And after we have lunch we would go visit some of our family and friends

Before the day ends we would go for a walk on the beach and watch the sunset and lastly for dinner we would go to one of our family's favorite restaurant Tony’s. And to make it even more fun and special I would invite our whole family to come.

That is what I would do if the world was going to end

Is there anything you think I could do to change it or make it better?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Online school

Hey guys,
It's Friday yay.
Today for our numeracy work we got given the task to measure things.
If you go to the bottom two slides they have what I did today.
The three things that I measured were my puppy coco, my desk, and a Rarotongan drum.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Online school

Hey guys,
The other thing I did today is this math slide showing some of the stuff I have done, I will post this slide each day on my blog with new stuff that I have done on it.
Enjoy :)

Online school

Hey guys,
Today on our online class we got given the task to take any book, or movie and find the moral of it,
I did the tortoise and the hare
The tortoise and the hare is about a hare that is too overconfident, he thinks he can beat a tortoise in a race, During the race, the hare decides to have a sleep under a tree, meanwhile the tortoise catches up and passes the hare and the tortoise ends up winning the race
The moral I found in this story is
"You can be more successful by being slow and steady other than doing it quick and carelessly"
Is there anything you think I could do to make it better?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Online School

Hi guys,
since we can't go to school because of corona we are doing online classes.
we do our online class a 9:00am - 9:30am and 2:30pm - 3:00pm. In the morning the teacher gives us our task. One of my tasks for today was to make a schedule. 
Here is mine 
Is there anything you think I could change to make it better?
Bye :)

Friday, March 27, 2020

Isolation day 3

Hey bloggers,
It is the third day of isolation, the first task that I have done is the code combat some of the levels were pretty tricky and I really had to think about what I had to do to complete them. For my second task, I did more kahoots with my sisters because they really enjoyed doing them, We did guess the Disney movies (with emojis) we also did celebrities, And to finish it off for my third task I did a 100 piece puzzle.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Isolation work, Day 2

Hi bloggers,
Today, day 2 of isolation, The three tasks that I did was another sudoku, I did les mills finess that went for 22 mins and played a few kahoots with one of my brothers and my sisters It was pretty fun
bye :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Isolation work

Hi bloggers,
Isolation isn't very fun so far but for the first day of Isolation, I completed sudoku, A puzzle, and Imagineering in a box. The first picture is of the notes and the second picture is the quick sketch of my theme park.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Haiku poem

Hi bloggers,
in literacy we are writing different types of poems, first, we did haiku poems ( haiku poems go in the order of  5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables ) we wrote five of them each about school here are two of mine. my first one is about tech and my second one is about my friends.
Enjoy :)

Wednesdays we have tech
The teachers are really nice

We make real cool things

My friends are real nice
They are fun to hang out with
They joke around lots

Monday, March 16, 2020


Hi bloggers
in literacy, we are writing poems and sending them to another school in hamilton.
We wrote our poem on a doc after we had finished we showed the teacher, he gave us a card to write it on that will be sent to someone in hamilton
This is the poem that I am sending.
6-word sentences

The rocky path to the house
Trying not to trip over them
My friend watching me fall over
Dreaming of getting my food today
Going to the fridge to fill me

I remember how hungry I am

Friday, March 13, 2020

The book of the road

Hi bloggers,
In Gillstrom literacy we have been parodying a poem by Kendrick Smithyman.
We wrote the direction to get to our school from Fairfield intermediate in hamilton.
here is mine:

out on sh1 for Rotorua
left at Kaikoura on inland drive
to Hamner through Napier on sh7
turn left at Taupo and follow sh30
to Palmerston north
have lunch here at Maccas
turn right beyond wellington near Blenheim to meet sh30
right again to sh2
there left at Prestons new world

allow time to see Preston's dairy, Maccas, and bottle lake
where swamp (so Brooke says) and ESP
Bp (if open?)
(have tea there or at Maccas- get the Mcflurry)
carry on Te Korari street to marshland school down sh1
to turn off on 11 te Korari st through Christchurch
#1 flags #2 Albatrosses

Essay final

Hi bloggers,
For the past week, we have been editing our final essays mine is about food waste and how we can reduce all of the food that we have wasted.

Friday, March 6, 2020


Hi bloggers,
On Wednesdays after tech, we are doing binary numbers with Mr. G we got given the task to make pixel art using black and white, Can you make the picture?
White = 0
Black = 1
Here is the coding.



Hello bloggers,  In literacy, we are writing essays My essay is about food waste and how you can stop food waste. did you know that we waste $1.17 billion on food that gets wasted that's a lot!

Monday, March 2, 2020

My Family Tree

Hello bloggers,
For our inquiry, we have been learning more about our family history. We got given the task to make a family tree. I have included my aunties, uncles, and cousins. We also added flags representing where they're from.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Charity posters

Hello Bloggers,
During the past week we have been researching different charities. Our task was to make posters for a charity of our choice, I made one for the Salvation army.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Poem parodying

Hello readers In literacy, we have made a parody from the poem "This is just to say" The first poem is the Real poem By William Carlos Williams. The blue writing is my parody. Enjoy! Have you ever heard of William Carlos Williams

Friday, February 21, 2020


For maths, we are putting our progressions on a slide this was my first score


Hi Bloggers

This week the teachers gave us the task to do self-portraits representing our cultures and things that we love, We did our portraits like Romero Britto because he uses bold colors and makes it colorful and happy, here is one of his artworks 

Here is mine:

He uses heaps of different patterns and colors in his paintings, In my portrait, I added surfing, Art, Travel, Netball, Family, Animals I added those things because I love them I also added friends because I love hanging out with them, 1 more thing I added was the NZ and Rarotongan flag representing my culture.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Waste of money

Waste of money

waste can be could be anything, like a waste of money it could be anything like for example: buying something that is unnecessary that would be a waste of money or maybe buying a new food to try but you end up not liking it that would end up being a waste of money as well, but then you also wouldn't know if you liked it if you never bought it.

Buying things that you don't need and won't use would be a waste of money. If you get things that you already have heaps of that would be a waste of money unless they were collectibles. Getting toys for your kids, you can get them a few but when they grow out of the toys they will just be put in the corner. You could buy something that you thought would be useful but it's really not.

Or you could buy something but completely forget about it that would be a waste of money because you never ended up using it. When you go to the stores you should make sure you know you need that thing and will actually use it otherwise you will waste money on things that you don't even need and could have used the money for better things.