
Friday, February 21, 2020


Hi Bloggers

This week the teachers gave us the task to do self-portraits representing our cultures and things that we love, We did our portraits like Romero Britto because he uses bold colors and makes it colorful and happy, here is one of his artworks 

Here is mine:

He uses heaps of different patterns and colors in his paintings, In my portrait, I added surfing, Art, Travel, Netball, Family, Animals I added those things because I love them I also added friends because I love hanging out with them, 1 more thing I added was the NZ and Rarotongan flag representing my culture.


  1. Kia Ora
    This blog post is really cool. I like how you made family and friends bold. I think it would be cool if you added the names of the people in your family, like you did with your friends. I noticed you put netball...What team do you play for?

    1. Hi Shelby,
      Thank you for the feedback, I don't play for a team because of other after school activity's, but I normally play for school.


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