
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Waste of money

Waste of money

waste can be could be anything, like a waste of money it could be anything like for example: buying something that is unnecessary that would be a waste of money or maybe buying a new food to try but you end up not liking it that would end up being a waste of money as well, but then you also wouldn't know if you liked it if you never bought it.

Buying things that you don't need and won't use would be a waste of money. If you get things that you already have heaps of that would be a waste of money unless they were collectibles. Getting toys for your kids, you can get them a few but when they grow out of the toys they will just be put in the corner. You could buy something that you thought would be useful but it's really not.

Or you could buy something but completely forget about it that would be a waste of money because you never ended up using it. When you go to the stores you should make sure you know you need that thing and will actually use it otherwise you will waste money on things that you don't even need and could have used the money for better things.

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