
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Online school Literacy

Hey guys,
Today we got given the task to write 3-4 paragraphs about what we would do if the world was going to end.
Here is mine

If the world was going to end
I would spend the day with people who are important to me like my family and my friends. First I would go out with my family for every meal of the day Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. We would go to Maccas for breakfast. After breakfast, we would go for a walk in town we would stop at Margaret Mahy park for a bit, after that we would go to Rollicking Gelato for some ice cream.

After that, we would go and watch a movie and because this was going to be our last movie we would have to make sure it was a good and enjoyable one for all of us. Then we would go and have lunch at Mugen. And after we have lunch we would go visit some of our family and friends

Before the day ends we would go for a walk on the beach and watch the sunset and lastly for dinner we would go to one of our family's favorite restaurant Tony’s. And to make it even more fun and special I would invite our whole family to come.

That is what I would do if the world was going to end

Is there anything you think I could do to change it or make it better?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Online school

Hey guys,
It's Friday yay.
Today for our numeracy work we got given the task to measure things.
If you go to the bottom two slides they have what I did today.
The three things that I measured were my puppy coco, my desk, and a Rarotongan drum.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Online school

Hey guys,
The other thing I did today is this math slide showing some of the stuff I have done, I will post this slide each day on my blog with new stuff that I have done on it.
Enjoy :)

Online school

Hey guys,
Today on our online class we got given the task to take any book, or movie and find the moral of it,
I did the tortoise and the hare
The tortoise and the hare is about a hare that is too overconfident, he thinks he can beat a tortoise in a race, During the race, the hare decides to have a sleep under a tree, meanwhile the tortoise catches up and passes the hare and the tortoise ends up winning the race
The moral I found in this story is
"You can be more successful by being slow and steady other than doing it quick and carelessly"
Is there anything you think I could do to make it better?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Online School

Hi guys,
since we can't go to school because of corona we are doing online classes.
we do our online class a 9:00am - 9:30am and 2:30pm - 3:00pm. In the morning the teacher gives us our task. One of my tasks for today was to make a schedule. 
Here is mine 
Is there anything you think I could change to make it better?
Bye :)