
Friday, September 25, 2020

Sign language

 Hey guys,

This Wednesday we had been learning sign language. We played this game to help learn different words like colors, food, and more. We also learned the alphabet. It will not let me add the video of me saying "My name is Sienna" in sign language but here is the sign language alphabet so you can learn how to spell your name.

Here is the link to the game if you want to try it!: link

Minecraft Eiffel tower

 Hey guys,

For math, we had to find a famous landmark and build it in Minecraft. After we made it on miecraft we had to write about what shapes it is made of and where it was located. I chose to build the Eiffle tower. 

Here is my slide:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Science of Dreams

 Hey guys,

This week we have gotten a few topics and we had to research one of them, I chose to research about dreams. I have learned a lot about dreams doing this, like how you have up to 4 - 6 dreams each night but only remember some of it! or depending on your mood before you go to sleep affects what your dreams about, if you are frustrated you are more likely to have a dream about you falling, failing, or getting attacked.

Here is the doc:

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Movie times

 Hey guys,

We have been learning about 24 hour time and how to convert Am/Pm. Today we got given the task to make a table of movie times the included: The movie, The running time of the movie (in minutes), The starting time of your movie (in 24 hour time), and a question like (what time would you leave the cinema?)

My three chosen movies were: Dora, Frozen, and frozen 2

Here is the slide:

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Minecraft kitchen ISS

 Hey guys,

For my literacy task, we had been looking at the ISS (International Space Station ), we had to go into a Minecraft world that had the ISS in it. We had to add in a different module to the ship that we thought maybe needed in a space station. 

The ISS has heaps of different modules each used for different things to researching and studying about things that are in space like the stars, planets, satellites, and many more things that you may not know about.

I added a kitchen, I thought a kitchen would be important to add so you could cook and eat food.

here are some screenshots:

Kitchen interior

Whole kitchen interior

Kitchen exterior

Monday, September 14, 2020

Minecraft clock

 Hey guys,

This week for maths we have been looking at time and how to convert 12 hour time to 24 hour time. We had to create a digital and analog clock on Minecraft. My analog clock showed 3:00 and the digital clock showed 3:00 in 24 hour time (15:00)

Here is a screenshot:

Friday, September 11, 2020

Skin care buisness

 Hey guys,

This Wednesday we got into groups and made businesses with them, we did this so we could have a better understanding of how businesses work and what you should be prepared for if you ever start one. We did a skincare business. 

My group made a skincare business that had things like serums, Cleansers, moisturizers, face masks, lip balms, and more.

This is the slide we did it on (it is not fully finished yet):


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Spin wheel outcomes

 Hey guys,

For numeracy, we had to make an animation showing how to figure out how many outcomes there are spinning the wheel or flipping a coin. I chose to spin a wheel

Here is my animation about how to figure it out: 

PSA Coding

 Hey guys,

 On Wednesdays, after tech, we have been doing coding.  We had to code a PSA (Public service announcement) to spread awareness about a problem we have around the world.

My chosen issue was littering. I chose to do littering because we need to stop because it ruins the environment and can kill the animals. I tried to make the PSA interesting by making clickable things.

Here are screenshots of the coding and the PSA: