
Friday, June 26, 2020

Website - Genre

Hey guys,
This week we finished the last part of our website (Genre). 
For this, we wrote about the genres in the book and wrote how the book shows those genres.
In this book, I think the genres that show are Comedy and Sci-Fi. 
If you want to have a look at my website here is the link: Link
Here is a screenshot:

Matariki poem animation

Hey guys,
This week we have been learning about Matariki.
We got given the task to either make a poem, a book, and many other options.
I chose to make a poem. For the poem, we had to write it and then animate it. 
Comment if there is anything you think I could do to change it or make it better.
Here is the poem and the animation:

Friday, June 19, 2020

Website - Symbols

Hey guys,
This week for literacy I finished writing the symbols for my website.
We had to write 5 symbols. The symbols I did were the hitchhiker's guide, Magrathea, The Vogons, The improbability drive, and Slartibartfast.
If your not sure what those are, they are apart of the book and if you want to see more about them you can have a look at my website
Here is a link to my website: Link
Here is a screenshot:

Friday, June 12, 2020

Website characters

Hey guys,
This week I finished writing the characters for my website.
We did each character in the book and wrote about their personality and what they are like
Here is the link to my website: Website link
Here is a screenshot:

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Global issues art

Hey guys,
This week for inquiry, we looked at heaps of different types of artworks about global issues.
Our task was to pick one of the artworks and write next to it what message we got from it
Here is mine:

Friday, June 5, 2020


Hey guys,
In literacy this week we have been carrying on with our websites. This week we finished the last two themes in the book hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy that needed to be done for our website, the last two themes that I did was language and communication, and power.
Here is the link to my website: Website link
Here are some screenshots:

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Hey guys,
Today we made something to show we understood what Irony means. We chose 1 type of irony and made up a scene explaining that irony. Our scene was about, me saying that I would beat Skylah but then Skylah ends up beating me.